Affiliation and official
“Laser-Surface-Plasma Interactions” Laboratory, Lasers Department
National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics
409 Atomistilor Street
P.O. Box MG-36 RO-77125
Magurele, Bucharest, Romania
004 021 457 44 91
Fax: 004 021 457 42 43, 457 44 67
– 2001: MSc at University of Bucharest,
Faculty of Physics - Master thesis: “Study of infrared sensors”
– 2000: BSc at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Diploma
Thesis: “Measurement methods of optical fibre connectors”.
Professional Activity
2010-present: Senior Research Scientist 1nd degree at National Institute for Laser,
Plasma and Radiation Physics
2009-2010: Senior Research Scientist 2nd degree at National Institute for Laser,
Plasma and Radiation Physics
2006-2009: Senior Research Scientist 3rd degree at National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics
2003-2006: Scientific Researcher at National Institute for Laser,
Plasma and Radiation Physics
2001-2003: Research Assistant
at Institute of Microtechnology / National Institute for Laser, Plasma
and Radiation Physics
2000-2001: Junior Research at Assistant
Institute of Microtechnology
main field: Experimental
optics; laser processing; surface physics.
current research interests: deposition
and modification of thin solid structures by high intensity laser irradiation;
biomaterials; optoelectronics and sensors; hard coatings, magnetism;
photovoltaic and photocatalysis.
other fields: Biophysics and biomedicine;
related fields: Optical and FTIR
spectrometry, AFM and SNOM microscopy, m-line method.
Research stages abroad
of Professional Societies
Popescu M., Lőrinczi A., Sava F.,
Tomescu A., Simion C., Mihăilescu I.N., Socol G., Axente
E., Micloş S., Savastru D. Methane sensitive material and threshold
sensor for methane detection", No. A/00941, (OSIM) Romanian State Office for
Inventions and Trademarks, 2006.
Poeata I., Chiriac A., Mihailescu I.N., Socol G., Duta L., Popescu A.C., Sima F., Miroiu M., Stan G., Petrescu S., Ianculescu A. Metoda de realizare a unei mese de titan cu acoperire de hidroxiapatita. Romanian Patent RO-BOPI 4/2014 din 30.04.2014
135 papers published in ISI journals;
38 in proceedings of international Conferences;
over 930 independent ISI citations;
Bjelajac A., Djokic V., Petrovic R., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Florea I., Ersen O., Janackovic D. Visible light-harvesting of TiO2 nanotubes array by pulsed laser deposited CdS. Applied Surface Science, 309, 225-230, 2014.
Limban, C., Missir, A.V., Grumezescu, A.M., Oprea, A.E., Grumezescu, V., Vasile, B.Ș., Socol, G., Trușcă, R., Caproiu, M.T., Chifiriuc, M.C., Gălățeanu, B., Costache, M., Morușciag, L., Pîrcălăbioru, G., Nuță, D.C. Bioevaluation of novel anti-biofilm coatings based on PVP/Fe3O4 nanostructures and 2-((4-ethylphenoxy)methyl)-N-(arylcarbamothioyl)benzamides Molecules, 19, 12011-12030, 2014.
Grumezescu V., Holban A.M., Iordache F., Socol G., Mogoşanu G.D., Grumezescu A.M., Ficai A., Vasile B.Ş., Truşcǎ R., Chifiriuc M.C., Maniu H. MAPLE fabricated magnetite@eugenol and (3-hidroxybutyric acid-co-3-hidroxyvaleric acid)-polyvinyl alcohol microspheres coated surfaces with anti-microbial properties. Applied Surface Science, 306, 16-22, 2014.
Socol G., Galca A.C., Craciun D., Hanna M., Taylor C.R., Lambers E., Craciun V. Pulsed laser deposition of nanocrystalline SiC films. Applied Surface Science, 306, 66-69, 2014.
Craciun V., Martin C., Socol G., Tanner D., Swart H.C., Becherescu N., Craciun D. Optical properties of amorphous indium zinc oxide thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science, 306, 52-55, 2014.
Craciun D., Socol G., Stefan N., Dorcioman G., Hanna M., Taylor C.R., Lambers E., Craciun V. The effect of deposition atmosphere on the chemical composition of TiN and ZrN thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science, 302, 124-128, 2014.
Stanculescu A., Socol M., Rasoga O., Mihailescu I.N., Socol G., Preda N., Breazu C., Stanculescu F. Laser prepared organic heterostuctures on glass/AZO substrates. Applied Surface Science,302, 169-176, 2014.
Grumezescu V., Socol G., Grumezescu A.M., Holban A.M., Ficai A., Truşcǎ R., Bleotu C., Balaure P.C., Cristescu R., Chifiriuc M.C. Functionalized antibiofilm thin coatings based on PLA-PVA microspheres loaded with usnic acid natural compounds fabricated by MAPLE. Applied Surface Science, 302, 262-267, 2014.
Stanculescu A., Socol G., Grigoras M., Ivan T., Vacareanu L., Socol M., Rasoga O., Breazu C., Mihailescu I.N., Iordache I., Preda N., Stanculescu F. Laser prepared organic heterostructures based on star-shaped arylenevinylene compounds. Applied Physics A, 2014.
Axente E., Socol G., Beldjilal, S.A., Mercadier L., Luculescu C.R., Trinca L.M., Galca A.C., Pantelica D., Ionescu P., Becherescu N., Hermann J., Craciun V. Quantitative analysis of amorphous indium zinc oxide thin films synthesized by Combinatorial Pulsed Laser Deposition. Applied Physics A, 2014.
Axente E., Hermann J., Socol G., Mercadier L., Beldjilali S.A., Cirisan M., Luculescu C.R., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N., Craciun V. Accurate analysis of indium-zinc oxide thin films via laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy based on plasma modeling. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 29(3), 553-564, 2014.
Grumezescu V., Holban A.M., Grumezescu A.M., Socol G., Ficai A., Vasile B.S., Truscǎ R., Bleotu C., Lazar V., Chifiriuc C.M., Mogosanu G.D. Usnic acid-loaded biocompatible magnetic PLGA-PVA microsphere thin films fabricated by MAPLE with increased resistance to staphylococcal colonization. Biofabrication, 6(3), 035002, 2014.
Bakalova S., Szekeres A., Anastasescu M., Gartner M., Duta L., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N. VIS/IR spectroscopy of thin AIN films grown by pulsed laser deposition at 400°C and 800°C and various N2 pressures. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 514(1), 012001, 2014.
Holban A.M., Grumezescu V., Grumezescu A.M., Vasile B.S., Truşcǎ R., Cristescu R., Socol G., Iordache F. Antimicrobial nanospheres thin coatings prepared by advanced pulsed laser technique. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology,5(1), 872-880, 2014.
Serban N., Ristoscu C., Socol G., Stefan N., Mihailescu C.N., Socol M., Mulenko S.A., Petrov Y.N., Gorbachuk N.T., Mihailescu I.N. Laser synthesis of nanometric iron oxide films for thermo-sensing applications. Materials Research Bulletin, 50, 148-154, 2014.
Anghel A.G., Grumezescu A.M., Chirea M., Grumezescu V., Socol G., Iordache F., Oprea A.E., Anghel I., Holban A.M. MAPLE fabricated Fe3O4@Cinnamomum verum antimicrobial surfaces for improved gastrostomy tubes. Molecules,19(7), 8981-8994, 2014.
Socol M., Preda N., Vacareanu L., Grigoras M., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Stanculescu F., Jelinek M., Stanculescu A., Stoicanescu M. Organic heterostructures based on arylenevinylene oligomers deposited by MAPLE. Applied Surface Science, 302, 216–222, 2014.
Dorcioman G., Socol G., Craciun D., Argibay N., Lambers E., Hanna M., Taylor C.R., Craciun V. Wear tests of ZrC and ZrN thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science, 306, 33–36, 2014.
Mihaiescu D.E., Cristescu R., Dorcioman G., Popescu C.E., Nita C., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Grumezescu A.M., Tamas D., Enculescu M., Negrea R.F., Ghica C., Chifiriuc C., Bleotu C., Chrisey D.B. Functionalized magnetite silica thin films fabricated by MAPLE with antibiofilm properties. Biofabrication, 5(1), 015007, 2013.
Sava F., Velea A., Popescu M., Lorinczi A., Simandan I.-D., Vlaicu A.M., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Stefan N. Effect of broadband light on Ag/As2S3 multilayers. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 377, 159-161, 2013.
Socol G., Preda N., Socol M., Sima L., Luculescu C.R., Sima F., Miroiu M., Axente E., Visan A., Stefan N., Cristescu R., Dorcioman G., Stanculescu A., Radulescu L., Mihailescu I.N. MAPLE deposition of PLGA micro-and nanoparticles embedded into polymeric coatings. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 8(2), 621-630, 2013.
Dekić M., Salčinović A., Dominko D., Šrut I., Salamon K., Starešinić D., Biljaković K., Schaefer H., Demšar J., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N., Siketić Z., Bogdanović-Radović I., Šamić H., Marcus J. Nanocrystalline thin films with charge density wave ground state. Vacuum, 98, 93-99, 2013.
Grumezescu V., Chifiriuc C.M., Holban A.M., Stoica P., Grumezescu A.M., Voicu G., Socol G., Huang K.S., Bleotu C., Radulescu R. Antimicrobial and biocompatibility assay of newly fabricated materials based copper or zinc alginate and SIO2 network. Digest Journal Of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 8(2), 869-876, 2013.
Cristescu R., Popescu C., Dorcioman G., Miroiu F.M., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Gittard S.D., Miller P.R., Narayan R.J., Enculescu M., Chrisey D.B. Antimicrobial activity of biopolymer-antibiotic thin films fabricated by advanced pulsed laser methods. Applied Surface Science, 278, 211-213, 2013.
Duta L., Stan G.E., Popescu A.C., Socol G., Miroiu F.M., Mihailescu I.N., Ianculescu A., Poeata I., Chiriac A. Hydroxyapatite thin films synthesized by Pulsed Laser Deposition onto titanium mesh implants for cranioplasty applications. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8882, (888208), 2013.
Galca A.C., Socol G., Trinca L.M., Craciun V. Stoichiometry dependence of the optical properties of amorphous-like Inx-WGawZn1-xO1+0.5x-δ thin films. Applied Surface Science, 281, 96-99, 2013.
Sava F., Lorinczi A., Velea A., Simandan I.D., Preda N., Socol G., Mihǎilescu I.N., Zamfira C.S., Creţu N.-C., Popescu M. Effect of thermal annealing on the structural and optical properties of Ag/As2S3 multilayers. Chalcogenide Letters, 10(11), 467-472, 2013.
Costescu R.M., Lungu G.A., Socol G., Gheorghe N.G., Macovei D., Negrilǎ C.C., Logofǎtu C., Huşanu M.A., Popescu D.G., Tache C.A., Teodorescu C.M. Atomic structure and magnetism of PLD deposited Tio 2:Fe. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 7(1), 73-78, 2012.
Cristescu R., Popescu C., Popescu A.C., Socol G., Mihailescu I., Caraene G., Albulescu R., Buruiana T., Chrisey D. Pulsed laser processing of functionalized polysaccharides for controlled release drug delivery systems: Functionalized polysaccharides processed for drug delivery. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry And Biology, 231-236, 2012.
Galca A.C., Socol G., Craciun V. Optical properties of amorphous-like indium zinc oxide and indium gallium zinc oxide thin films. Thin Solid Films, 520, 4722-4725, 2012.
Szekeres A., Cziraki A., Huhn G., Havancsak K., Vlaikova E., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N. Laser technology for synthesis of AlN films: Influence of the incident laser fluence on the films microstructure. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 356(1), 012003, 2012.
Minkov I.P., Simeonov S., Szekeres A., Cziraki A., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N. Study of the charge transport mechanism in pulsed laser deposited AlN:Si films. Journal Of Physics: Conference Series, 356(1), 012038, 2012.
Socol G., , Socol M., Sima L., Petrescu S., Enculescu M., Sima F., Miroiu M., Popescu-Pelin G., Stefan N., Cristescu R., Mihailescu C.N., Stanculescu A., Sutan C., Mihailescu I.N. Combinatorial pulsed laser deposition of AG-containing calcium phosphate coatings. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 7(2), 563-576, 2012.
Starešinić D., Dominko D., Salamon K., Biljaković K., Tomeljak A., Schäfer H., Huber T., Demsar J., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N., Siketić Z., Bogdanović Radović I., Pletikapić G., Svetličić V., Ekić M., Šamić H., Marcus J. Charge density waves in nanocrystalline thin films of blue bronze K 0.3MoO 3. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 407(11), 1889-1893, 2012.
Velea A., Popescu M., Sava F., Lrinczi A., Simandan I.D., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Stefan N., Jipa F., Zamfirescu M., Kiss A., Braic V. Photoexpansion and nano-lenslet formation in amorphous As 2S 3 thin films by 800 nm femtosecond laser irradiation. Journal of Applied Physics, 112(3), 033105, 2012.
Besleaga C., Ion L., Ghenescu V., Socol G., Radu A., Arghir I., Florica C., Antohe S. Transparent indium zinc oxide thin films used in photovoltaic cells based on polymer blends. Thin Solid Films, 520(22), 6803-6806, 2012.
Zamfirescu M., Dinescu A., Danila M., Socol G., Radu C. The role of the substrate material type in formation of laser induced periodical surface structures on ZnO thin films. Applied Surface Science, 258(23), 9385-9388, 2012.
Cristescu R., Popescu C., Socol G., Iordache I., Mihailescu I.N., Mihaiescu D.E., Grumezescu A.M., Balan A., Stamatin I., Chifiriuc C., Bleotu C., Saviuc C., Popa M., Chrisey D.B. Magnetic core/shell nanoparticle thin films deposited by MAPLE: Investigation by chemical, morphological and in vitro biological assays. Applied Surface Science, 258(23), 9250-9255, 2012.
Pervolaraki M., Sima F., Socol G., Teodorescu C.M., Gheorghe N.G., Socol M., Mihailescu I.N., Moushi E.E., Tasiopoulos A.J., Athanasopoulos G.I., Viskadourakis Z., Giapintzakis J. Matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation of Mn 12(Propionate) thin films. Applied Surface Science, 258(23), 9471-9474, 2012.
Linnik O., Petrik I., Smirnova N., Kandyba V., Korduban O., Eremenko A., Socol G., Stefan N., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N., Sutan C., Malinovschi V., Djokic V., Janakovic D. TiO2/ZrO2 thin films synthesized by PLD in low pressure N-, C- and/or O-containing gases: Structural, optical and photocatalytic properties. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 7(3), 1343-1352, 2012.
Ghimbeu C.M., Sima F., Ostaci R.V., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Vix-Guterl C. Crystalline vanadium nitride ultra-thin films obtained at room temperature by pulsed laser deposition. Surface and Coatings Technology, 211, 158-162, 2012.
Socol G., Socol M., Stefan N., Axente E., Popescu-Pelin G., Craciun D., Duta L., Mihailescu C.N., Mihailescu I.N., Stanculescu A., Visan D., Sava V., Galca A.C., Luculescu C.R., Craciun V. Pulsed laser deposition of transparent conductive oxide thin films on flexible substrates. Applied Surface Science, 260, 42-46, 2012.
Craciun D., Stefan N., Socol G., Dorcioman G., McCumiskey E., Hanna M., Taylor C.R., Bourne G., Lambers E., Siebein K., Craciun V. Very hard TiN thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science, 260, 2-6, 2012.
Popescu A., Savastru D., Savastru R., Miclos S., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N. High-contrast 2D etched holes array obtained by direct laser writing on chalcogenide As2S3 films. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 209(11), 2173-2178, 2012.
Sava V., Mitran T.L., Socol G., Antohe S. Silicon surface structuring by XeCl excimer laser irradiation in atmospheric conditions. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 8(1), 61-68, 2012.
Socol G., Galca A.C., Luculescu C.R., Stanculescu A., Socol M., Stefan N., Axente E., Duta L., Mihailescu C.M., Craciun V., Craciun D., Sava V., Mihailescu I.N. Tailoring of optical, compositional and electrical properties of the In xZn 1-xO thin films obtained by combinatorial pulsed laser deposition. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 6(1), 107-115, 2011.
Cristescu R., Popescu C., Socol G., Visan A., Mihailescu I.N., Gittard S.D., Miller P.R., Martin T.N., Narayan R.J., Andronie A., Stamatin I., Chrisey D.B. Deposition of antibacterial of poly(1,3-bis-(p-carboxyphenoxy propane)-co-(sebacic anhydride)) 20:80/gentamicin sulfate composite coatings by MAPLE. Applied Surface Science, 257(12), 5287-5292, 2011.
Szekeres A., Fogarassy Zs., Petrik P., Vlaikova E., Cziraki A., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Grigorescu S., Mihailescu I.N. Structural characterization of AlN films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science, 257(12), 5370-5374, 2011.
Craciun D., Bourne G., Socol G., Stefan N., Dorcioman, G., Lambers E., Craciun V. Characteristics of ZrC/ZrN and ZrC/TiN multilayers grown by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science, 257(12), 5332-5336, 2011.
Stanculescu A., Vacareanu L., Grigoras M., Socol M., Socol G., Stanculescu F., Preda N., Matei E., Ionita I., Girtan M., Mihailescu I.N. Thin films of arylenevinylene oligomers prepared by MAPLE for applications in non-linear optics. Applied Surface Science, 257(12), 5298-5302, 2011.
Ilcheva V., Boev V., Petkov, T., Petkov P., Petkov E., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N. Thin As-Se-Sb films as potential medium for optics and sensor application. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics And Biophysics, 211-216, 2011.
Dominko D., Starešinić D., Salamon K., Biljaković K., Tomeljak A., Schäfer H., Huber T., Demsar J., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N., Siketić Z., Bogdanović Radović I., Pletikapić G., Svetličić V., Dekić M., Samić H., Marcus J. Detection of charge density wave ground state in granular thin films of blue bronze K0.3MoO3 by femtosecond spectroscopy. Journal Of Applied Physics, 110(1), 014907, 2011.
Ristoscu C., Ghica C., Papadopoulou E.L., Socol G., Gray D., Mironov B., Mihailescu I.N., Fotakis C. Modification of AlN thin films morphology and structure by temporally shaping of fs laser pulses used for deposition. Thin Solid Films, 519(19), 6381-6387, 2011.
Petkova T., Ilcheva V., Petkov E., Petkov P., Socol G., Sima F., Ristoscu C. Mihailescu C.N., Mihailescu I.N., Popov C., Reithmaier J.P. Optical studies of (AsSe) 100-xSbx thin films. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 104(3), 959-962, 2011.
Stanculescu A., Socol M., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Girtan M., Stanculescu F. Maple prepared organic heterostructures for photovoltaic applications. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 104(3), 921-928, 2011.
Ristoscu C., Socol M., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Jafer R., Al-Hadeethi Y., Batani D. Synthesis of ZnO thin films by 40 ps @532 nm laser pulses. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 104(3), 871-876, 2011.
Craciun D., Bourne G., Zhang J., Siebein K., Socol G., Dorcioman G., Craciun V. Thin and hard ZrC/TiN multilayers grown by pulsed laser deposition. Surface and Coatings Technology, 205(23-24), 5493-5496, 2011.
Popescu A.C., Beldjilali S., Socol G., Craciun V., Mihailescu I.N., Hermann J. Analysis of indium zinc oxide thin films by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics, 110(8), 083116, 2011.
Stanculescu A., Socol M., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Girtan M., Preda N., Albu A.-M., Stanculescu F. Effect of maleic anhydride-aniline derivative buffer layer on the properties of flexible substrate heterostructures: Indium tin oxide/nucleic acid base/metal. Thin Solid Films, 520(4), 1251-1258, 2011.
Socol G., Craciun D., Mihailescu I.N., Stefan N., Besleaga C., Ion L., Antohe S., Kim K.W., Norton D., Pearton S.J., Galca A.C., Craciun V. High quality amorphous indium zinc oxide thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. Thin Solid Films, 520(4), 1274-1277, 2011.
Popescu M., Velea A., Simandan I.D., Sava F., Lorinczi A., Ghervase L., Pavelescu G., Mihailescu I.N., Socol G., Georgescu S. Luminescence of arsenic sulphide dots doped with europium, prepared by thermal evaporation and pulsed laser deposition methods. Chalcogenide Letters, 8(12), 719-724, 2011.
Pervolaraki M., Athanasopoulos G.I., Giapintzakis J., Kizas C., Tasiopoulos A.J., Sima F., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N. Mn12 benzoate thin films on Si substrates fabricated by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 12(3), 557-560, 2010.
Petkova T., Ilcheva V., Petkov P., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Sima F., Mihailescu C.N., Mihailescu I.N., Popov C., Boev V., Reithmaier J.P. Stress study of thin As-Se-Ag films obtained by vacuum thermal evaporation and pulsed laser deposition. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 12(3), 650-653, 2010.
Craciun D., Socol G., Dorcioman G., Stefan N., Bourne G., Craciun V. High quality ZrC, ZrC/ZrN and ZrC/TiN thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 12(3), 461-465, 2010.
Popescu M., Velea A., Sava F., Lorinczi A., Tomescu A., Simion C., Matei E., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Andonie A., Stamatin I. Structure and properties of silver doped SnSe 2 and Ge 2Sb 2Te 5 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition. Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 207(3), 516-520, 2010.
Szekeres A., Simeonov S., Bakalova S., Minkov I., Cziraki A., Ristoscu C., Socol G., Dorcioman G., Mihailescu I.N. Effect of incident laser fluence on the structure of pulsed-laser deposited AlN films. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 12(3), 542-546, 2010.
Stanculescu A., Albu A.-M., Socol G., Stanculescu F., Socol M., Preda N., Rasoga O., Girtan M., Iulian I. MAPLE deposited thin monomer films of maleimidic derivatives for photonics. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 12(3), 731-739, 2010.
Socol G., Macovei A.M., Miroiu F., Stefan N., Duta L., Dorcioman G., Mihailescu I.N., Petrescu S.M., Stan G.E., Marcov D.A., Chiriac A., Poeata I. Hydroxyapatite thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition and magnetron sputtering on PMMA substrates for medical applications. Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, 169(1-3), 159-168, 2010.
Miroiu F.M., Socol G., Visan A., Stefan N., Craciun D., Craciun V., Dorcioman G., Mihailescu I.N., Sima L.E., Petrescu S.M., Andronie A., Stamatin I., Moga S., Ducu C. Composite biocompatible hydroxyapatite-silk fibroin coatings for medical implants obtained by Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation. Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, 169(1-3), 151-158, 2010.
Craciun D., Socol G., Stefan N., Miroiu M., Craciun V. Structural investigations of InZnO films grown by pulsed laser deposition technique. Thin Solid Films, 518(16), 4564-4567, 2010.
Socol G., Gnatyuk Y., Stefan N., Smirnova N., Djokić V., Sutan C., Malinovschi V., Stanculescu A., Korduban O., Mihailescu I.N. Photocatalytic activity of pulsed laser deposited TiO2 thin films in N2, O2 and CH4. Thin Solid Films, 518(16), 4648-4653, 2010.
Hermann J., Mercadier L., Mothe E., Socol G., Alloncle P. On the stoichiometry of mass transfer from solid to plasma during pulsed laser ablation of brass. Spectrochimica ACTA - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy, 65(8), 636-641, 2010.
Socol M., Socol G., Rasoga O., Stanculescu F., Stanculescu A., Mihailescu I., Ionita I., Preda N., Enculescu M., Antohe S. MAPLE preparation and characterization of benzyl thin films. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 4(11), 1802-1806, 2010.
Szekeres A., Vlaikova E., Cziraki A., Petrik P., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N. Ellipsometric characterization of AlN films synthesized by Pulsed-Laser-Deposition. Journal Of Physics: Conference Series, 253(1), 012032, 2010.
Duta L., Socol G., Sima F., Mihailescu I.N., Stan G.E., Marcov D.A., Sima L.E., Petrescu S.M., Melinescu A., Ianculescu A., Chiriac A., Poeata I. Increased bioactivity of cranio-spinal implants functionalized with hydroxyapatite nanostructured coatings: Morpho-structural characterization and in-vitro evaluation. Proceedings - 2nd Advanced Technologies for Enhanced Quality of Life, Atequal, (5663611), 127-130, 2010.
Minkov I.P., Simeonov S., Szekeres A., Ristoscu C., Socol G., Grigorescu S., Mihailescu I.N. Study of the charge transport mechanism in pulsed laser deposited AlN:Cr films. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 253(1), 012036, 2010.
Teodorescu C.M., Socol G., Negrila C., Luca D., Macovei D. Nanostructured thin layers of vanadium oxides doped with cobalt, prepared by pulsed laser ablation: Chemistry, local atomic structure, morphology and magnetism. Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, 5(6), 509-526, 2010.
Craciun D., Socol G., Stefan N., Mihailescu I.N., Bourne G., Craciun V. High-repetition rate pulsed laser deposition of ZrC thin films. Surface and Coatings Technology, 203(8), 1055-1058, 2009.
Szekeres A., Bakalova S., Grigorescu S., Cziraki A., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N. AlN:Cr thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition: Studies by X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic ellipsometry. Applied Surface Science, 255(10), 5271-5274, 2009.
Berbecaru C., Alexandru H.V., Ianculescu A., Popescu A., Socol G., Sima F., Mihailescu I. Bioglass thin films for biomimetic implants. Applied Surface Science, 255(10), 5476-5479, 2009.
Craciun D., Socol G., Stefan N., Bourne G., Craciun V. Chemical composition of ZrC thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science, 255(10), 5260-5263, 2009.
Craciun D., Socol G., Stefan N., Miroiu M., Mihailescu I.N., Galca A.-C., Craciun V. Structural investigations of ITO-ZnO films grown by the combinatorial pulsed laser deposition technique. Applied Surface Science, 255(10), 5288-5291, 2009.
Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Albu A.-M., Antohe S., Stanculescu F., Stanculescu A., Mihut L., Preda N., Socol M., Rasoga O. MAPLE prepared polymeric thin films for non-linear optic applications. Applied Surface Science, 255(10), 5611-5614, 2009.
Petkova T., Popov C., Hineva T., Petkov P., Socol G., Axente E., Mihailescu C.N., Mihailescu I.N., Reithmaier J.P. Characterization of pulsed laser deposited chalcogenide thin layers. Applied Surface Science, 255(10), 5318-5321, 2009.
Bazavan R., Ion L., Socol G., Enculescu I., Bazavan D., Tazlaoanu C., Lorinczib A., Mihailescu I.N., Popescu M., Antohe S. Optical properties of pulsed-laser deposited ZnO thinfilms. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 11(4), 425-428, 2009.
Bakalova S., Szekeres A., Huhn G., Havancsak K., Grigorescu S., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N. Surface morphology of AlN films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. Vacuum, 84(1), 155-157, 2009.
Popescu M., Savastru D., Popescu A., Micloş S., Lorinczi A., Sava F., Velea A., Baschir L., Ciobanu M., Matei E., Socol G., Mihăilescu I.N., Niciu H. Chalcogenide photonic structures. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 3(9), 851-859, 2009.
Simeonov S., Szekeres A., Minkov I., Grigorescu S., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N. The deep level influence on the admittance of AIN/Si structures with pulsed laser deposited AIN films. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 11(9), 1292-1295, 2009.
Ilcheva V., Petkova T., Petkov P., Boev V., Socol G., Sima F., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu C.N., Mihailescu I.N., Popov C. Spectroscopic studies of (AsSe)100-xAgx thin films. Reithmaier, J.P. Applied Surface Science, 255(24), 9691-9694, 2009.
Bakalova S., Szekeres A., Cziraki A., Huhn G., Havancsak K., Grigorescu S., Socol G., Axente E., Mihailescu I.N., Gavrila R. Growth dynamics of pulsed-laser-deposited AlN films. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 11(10), 1479-1482, 2009.
Sima L.E., Filimon A., Piticescu R.M., Chitanu G.C., Suflet D.M., Miroiu M., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Neamtu J., Negroiu G. Specific biofunctional performances of the hydroxyapatite-sodium maleate copolymer hybrid coating nanostructures evaluated by in vitro studies. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 20(11), 2305-2316, 2009.
Negrila C., Logofatu C., Socol G., Macovei D., Teodorescu C.M. Pulsed laser co-deposition of titania with Fe: Chemistry, local atomic structure, and light-dependent magnetic properties. NANOTECHNOLOGY 2009: Fabrication, Particles, Characterization, Mems, Electronics and Photonics - Technical Proceedings of the 2009 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-NANOTECH, 1, 249-252, 2009.
Petkova T., Ilcheva V., Popov C., Reithmaier J.P., Socol G., Axente E., Mihailescu I.N., Petkov P., Hineva T. Study of (As2Se3)100-X(AgI)X thin films prepared by Pld and Vte methods. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics And Biophysics, 329-334, 2009.
Simeonov S., Minkov I., Szekeres A., Grigorescu S., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N. Trap space charge limited current in pulsed laser deposited AlN:Cr films. Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 2(5336703), 375-378, 2009.
Stanculescu A., Rasoga O., Preda N.,Socol M., Stanculescu F., Ionita I., Albu A.M., Socol G. Preparation and Characterization of Polar Aniline Functionalized Copolymers Thin Films for Optical Non-Linear Applications. Ferroelectrics, 389, 159-173, 2009.
Le Normand F., Fleaca C.T., Gulas M., Senger A., Ersen O., Mihailescu I.N., Socol G., Muller D., Marco de Lucas M.C. Growth of vertically oriented films of carbon nanotubes by activated catalytic chemical vapor deposition on Fe-Co/TiN/Si(100) substrates. Journal of Materials Research, 23(3), 619-631, 2008.
Simeonov S., Bakalova S., Szekeres A., Kafedjiijska E., Grigorescu S., Socol G., Mihailescu N. Extended analysis of the frequency dependence of the admittance of MIS structures with pulsed-laser-deposited AlN films. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 113(1), 012050, 2008.
Hineva T., Petkova T., Petkov P., Mikli V., Socol G., Mihailescu C.N., Mihailescu I.N. Influence of the preparation method on the As-Se-AgI thin films behavior. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 113(1), 012023, 2008.
Mihailescu I.N., Lamolle S., Socol G., Miroiu F., Roenold H.J., Bigi A., Mayer I., Cuisinier F., Lyngstadaas S.P. In vivo tensile tests of biomimetic titanium implants pulsed laser coated with nanostructured Calcium Phosphate thin films. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 2(6), 337-341, 2008.
Craciun V., Craciun D., Mihailescu I.N., Socol G., Stefan N., Miroiu M., Galca A.-C., Bourne G. Combinatorial pulsed laser deposition of thin films. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society For Optical Engineering, 7005, (70050Y), 2008.
Popescu M., Lorinczi A., Sava F., Velea A., Matel E., Socol G., Mihǎilescu I.N. Phase-change electrical memory elements and devices. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 10(10), 2616-2621, 2008.
Ion L., Rusu M.I., Socol G., Mihǎilescu I.N., Tâzlâoanu C., Antohe S. Electrical and optical properties of nanostructured ZnO thin films for optoelectronic applications. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 10(10), 2599-2602, 2008.
Teodorescu C.M., Socol G., Negrila, C.; Luca, D.; Macovei, D. Nanostructured thin layers of vanadium oxides doped with cobalt, prepared by pulsed laser ablation: Structure, chemistry, morphology, and magnetism . Nsti Nanotech, Technical Proceedings, 1, 435-438, 2008.
Popescu M., Sava F., Lörnczi A., Daróczi L., Kökényesi S., Mihǎilescu I.N., Socol G. Silver quantum dots deposited on YAG coated silicon wafer. Romanian Reports In Physics, 60(3), 777-787, 2008. 69. Capuccini C., Torricelli P., Sima F., Boanini E., Ristoscu C., Bracci B., Socol G., Fini M., Mihailescu I.N., Bigi A. Strontium-substituted hydroxyapatite coatings synthesized by pulsed-laser deposition: In vitro osteoblast and osteoclast response. Acta Biomaterialia, 4(6), 1885-1893, 2008.
Pivin J.C., Socol G., Mihailescu I., Berthet P., Singh F., Patel M.K., Vincent L. Structure and magnetic properties of ZnO films doped with Co, Ni or Mn synthesized by pulsed laser deposition under low and high oxygen partial pressures. Thin Solid Films, 517(2), 916-922, 2008.
Craciun D., Socol G., Axente E., Galca A.-C., Singh R., Craciun V. Microstructural investigations of hafnium aluminum oxide films. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1074, 71-75, 2008.
Dominko D., Starešinić D., Biljaković K., Salamon K., Milat O., Tomeljak A., Mihailović D., Demšar J., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N., Marcus J. Growing thin films of charge density wave system Rb0.3MoO 3 by pulsed laser deposition. Nato Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics And Biophysics, 399-402, 2008.
Craciun D., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Craciun, V. Combinatorial pulsed laser deposition of ITO-ZnO:Al thin films for solar cells applications. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1074, 180-185, 2008.
Bakalova S., Szekeres A., Cziraki A., Gyorgy E., Grigorescu S., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N. XRD study of pulsed laser deposited AIN films with nanosized crystallites. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics, 357-364, 2008.
Iliescu M., Nelea V., Werckmann J., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Mayer I., Cuisinier F. Morphological and structural characterisation of osseointegrable Mn2+ and CO32- doped hydroxylapatite thin films. Materials Science and Engineering C, 27(1), 105-109, 2007.
Simeonov S., Bakalova S., Kafedjiiska E., Szekeres A., Socol G., Grigorescu S., Mihailescu I.N. Admittance study of MIS structures with pulsed laser deposited AlN films. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9(2), 323-325, 2007.
Hineva T., Petkova T., Popov C., Petkov P., Reithmaier J.P., Fuhrmann-Lieker T., Axente E., Sima F., Mihailescu C.N., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N. Optical study of thin (As2Se3)1-x(AgI) x films. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9(2), 326-329, 2007.
Tazlaoanu C., Ion L., Socol G., Socol M., Mihailescu I.N., Stanculescu F., Enculescu I., Ionescu F., Magheruçan L., Antohe S. Photosensitization of ZnO nanostructured thin films with organic dyes. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9(5), 1342-1346, 2007.
Cristescu R., Doraiswamy A., Socol G., Grigorescu S., Axente E., Mihaiescu D., Moldovan A., Narayan R.J., Stamatin I., Mihailescu I.N., Chisholm B.J., Chrisey D.B. Polycaprolactone biopolymer thin films obtained by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation. Applied Surface Science, 253(15), 6476-6479, 2007.
Ristoscu C., Caiteanu D., Prodan G., Socol G., Grigorescu S., Axente E., Stefan N., Ciupina V., Aldica G., Mihailescu I.N. Structural and optical characterization of undoped, doped, and clustered ZnO thin films obtained by PLD for gas sensing applications. Applied Surface Science, 253(15), 6499-6503, 2007.
Socol G., Axente E., Oane M., Voicu L., Petris A., Vlad V., Mihailescu I.N., Mirchin N., Margolin R., Naot D., Peled A. Nanoscopic photodeposited structures analyzed by an evanescent optical method. Applied Surface Science, 253(15), 6535-6538, 2007.
Popescu M., Sava F., Lorinczi A., Socol G., Mihǎilescu I.N., Tomescu A., Simion C. Structure, properties and gas sensing effect of SnSe2 films prepared by pulsed laser deposition method. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 353(18-21), 1865-1869, 2007.
Brǎnescu M., Vailionis A., Huh J., Moldovan A., Socol G. AFM and complementary XRD measurements of in situ grown YBCO films obtained by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science, 253(19), 8179-8183, 2007.
Bakalova S., Szekeres A., Cziraki A., Lungu C.P., Grigorescu S., Socol G., Axente E., Mihailescu I.N. Influence of in situ nitrogen pressure on crystallization of pulsed laser deposited AlN films. Applied Surface Science, 253(19), 8215-8219, 2007.
Cristescu R., Doraiswamy A., Patz T., Socol G., Grigorescu S., Axente E., Sima F., Narayan R.J., Mihaiescu D., Moldovan A., Stamatin I., Mihailescu I.N., Chisholm B., Chrisey D.B. Matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation of poly(d,l-lactide) thin films for controlled-release drug systems. Applied Surface Science, 253(19), 7702-7706, 2007.
Gyorgy E., Grigorescu S., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Janackovic D., Dindune A., Kanepe Z., Palcevskis E., Zdrentu E.L., Petrescu S.M. Bioactive glass and hydroxyapatite thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science, 253(19), 7981-7986, 2007.
Stanoi D., Popescu A., Ghica C., Socol G., Axente E., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N., Stefan A., Georgescu S. Nanocrystalline Er:YAG thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition: An electron microscopy study. Applied Surface Science, 253(19), 8268-8272, 2007.
György E., Santiso J., Figueras A., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N. Biomolecular papain thin films growth by laser techniques. Journal of Materials Science: Materials In Medicine, 18(8), 1643-1647, 2007.
Socol G., Axente E., Oane M., Voicu L., Dinescu A., Petris A., Vlad V., Mihailescu I.N., Mirchin N., Margolin R., Naot D., Peled A. Using differential evanescent light intensity for evaluating profiles and growth rates in KrF laser photodeposited nanostructures. Journal of Materials Science: Materials In Electronics, 18(SUPPL. 1), 207-211, 2007.
Lorinczi A., Sava F., Tomescu A., Simion C., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Popescu M. (Te/SnSe2)3 multilayers deposited by pulsed laser deposition. Structure and gas sensing properties. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9(11), 3489-3492, 2007.
Socol G., Axente E., Ristoscu C., Sima F., Popescu A., Stefan N., Mihailescu I.N., Escoubas L., Ferreira J., Bakalova S., Szekeres A. Enhanced gas sensing of Au nanocluster-doped or -coated zinc oxide thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, 102(8), 083103, 2007.
Bakalova S., Szekeres A., Cziraki A., Grigorescu S., Socol G., Axente E., Mihailescu I.N. Structure and optical properties of pulsed-laser-deposited AlN thin films for optoelectronic applications. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society For Optical Engineering, 6785(67850H), 2007.
Simeonov S., Bakalova S., Kafedjiiska E., Szekeres A., Grigorescu S., Popescu A., Cojanu C., Sima F., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N. Characterization of pulsed-laser-deposited AlN films as a gate dielectric in AlN-Si MIS structures. Proceedings of The International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 2(4063220), 261-264, 2007.
Ion L., Tazlaoanu C., Socol G., Magherusan L., Enculescu I., Bazavan D., Mihailescu I., Antohe S. Electrical and photoelectrical properties of nanostructured ZnO thin films for photovoltaic applications. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 1013, 31-36, 2007.
Sima F., Socol G., Axente E., Mihailescu I.N., Zdrentu L., Petrescu S.M., Mayer I. Biocompatible and bioactive coatings of Mn2+-doped β-tricalcium phosphate synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science, 254(4), 1155-1159, 2007.
Tanaskovic D., Jokic B., Socol G., Popescu A., Mihailescu I.N., Petrovic R., Janackovic Dj. Synthesis of functionally graded bioactive glass-apatite multistructures on Ti substrates by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science, 254(4), 1279-1282, 2007.
Bakalova S., Simeonov S., Kafedjiiska E., Szekeres A., Grigorescu S., Socol G., Axente E., Mihailescu I. Electrical properties of MIS capacitors with AlN films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 3(2), 205-208, 2006.
Branescu M., Vailionis A., Ward I., Huh J., Socol G. In situ grown epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7 - x thin films by pulsed laser deposition under reduced oxygen pressure during cool-down time. Applied Surface Science, 252(13), 4573-4577, 2006.
Ristoscu C., Socol G., Ghica C., Mihailescu I.N., Gray D., Klini A., Manousaki A., Anglos D., Fotakis C. Femtosecond pulse shaping for phase and morphology control in PLD: Synthesis of cubic SiC. Applied Surface Science, 252(13), 4857-4862, 2006.
Ghica C., Ristoscu C., Socol G., Brodoceanu D., Nistor L.C., Mihailescu I.N., Klini A., Fotakis C. Growth and characterization of β-SiC films obtained by fs laser ablation. Applied Surface Science, 252(13), 4672-4677, 2006.
Sava F., Lörinczi A., Popescu M., Socol G., Axente E., Mihailescu I.N., Nistor M. Amorphous SnSe2 films. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 8(4), 1367-1371, 2006.
Bakalova S., Szekeres A., Grigorescu S., Axente E., Socol G., Mihailescu, I.N. Optical properties of aluminium nitride films obtained by pulsed laser deposition: An ellipsometric study. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 85(1), 99-102, 2006.
Kirilov D., Eom C., Gebale T., Branescu M., Naudin C., Teodorescu V., Socol G., Balasz I., Ducu C., Jaklovszky J. Efficient and broad-range zoom optics beam delivery systems for laser material processing. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 967, 325-336, 2006.
Carradň A., Fabre A., Barrallier L., Viart N., Mihailescu I.N., Socol G., Grigorescu S., Werckmann J., Ciuca S., Tarcolea M. Comparative studies of textured pulsed laser deposition and sol-gel growth of thin hydroxyapatite layers on titanium substrates. Materials Science Forum, 524-525, 885-890, 2006.
Branescu M., Teodorescu V.S., Socol G., Balasz I., Ducu C., Jaklovszky J. Experiments on pulsed laser deposition and characterization of epitaxially in-situ grown YBa2Cu3O7-x thin films. Journal of Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials, 7(2), 967-972, 2005.
Popescu M., Sava F., Lorinczi A., Stegarescu M., Georgescu S., Mihailescu I.N., Socol G., Stanoi D., Daroczi L., Kokenyesi A., Leonovici M., Wagner D. Preparation and properties of langasite and YAG Amorphous films. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 7(2), 963-966, 2005.
Stanoi D., Socol G., Grigorescu C., Guinneton F., Monnereau O., Tortet L., Zhang T., Mihailescu I.N. Chromium oxides thin films prepared and coated in situ with gold by pulsed laser deposition. Materials Science And Engineering B: Solid-State Materials For Advanced Technology, 118(1-3), 74-78, 2005.
Bigi A., Bracci B., Cuisinier F., Elkaim R., Fini M., Mayer I., Mihailescu I.N., Socol G., Sturba L., Torricelli P. Human osteoblast response to pulsed laser deposited calcium phosphate coatings. Biomaterials, 26(15), 2381-2389, 2005.
György E., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Ducu C., Ciuca S. Structural and optical characterization of WO 3 thin films for gas sensor applications. Journal of Applied Physics, 97(9), 093527, 2005.
Guinneton F., Monnereau O., Argeme L., Stanoi D., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Zhang T., Grigorescu C., Trodahl H.J., Tortet L. PLD thin films obtained from CrO3 and Cr8O 21 targets. Applied Surface Science, 247(1-4), 139-144, 2005.
György E., Socol G., Axente E., Mihailescu I.N., Ducu C., Ciuca S. Anatase phase TiO2 thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition for gas sensing applications. Applied Surface Science, 247(1-4), 429-433, 2005.
Ristoscu C., Ducu C., Socol G., Craciunoiu F., Mihailescu I.N. Structural and optical characterization of AlN films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Applied Surface Science, 248(1-4), 411-415, 2005.
Stamatin L., Cristescu R., Socol G., Moldovan A., Mihaiescu D., Stamatin I., Mihailescu I.N., Chrisey D.B. Laser deposition of fibrinogen blood proteins thin films by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation. Applied Surface Science, 248(1-4), 422-427, 2005.
Mihailescu I.N., Torricelli P., Bigi A., Mayer I., Iliescu M., Werckmann J., Socol G., Miroiu F., Cuisinier F., Elkaim R., Hildebrand G. Calcium phosphate thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition: Physico-chemical characterization and in vitro cell response. Applied Surface Science, 248(1-4), 344-348, 2005.
Mazingue T., Escoubas L., Spalluto L., Flory F., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Axente E., Grigorescu S., Mihailescu I.N., Vainos N.A. Nanostructured ZnO coatings grown by pulsed laser deposition for optical gas sensing of butane. Journal of Applied Physics, 98(7), 074312, 2005.
György E., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Santiso J., Ducu C., Ciuca S. Pulsed laser deposited zinc oxide thin films for optical gas sensor applications. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5830(06), 50-54, 2005.
Stankova N.E., Atanasov P.A., Dikovska A.O., Dimitrov I.G., Socol G., Mihailescu I. Growth of anatase TiO2 thin films by laser ablation. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society For Optical Engineering, 5830(08), 60-64, 2005.
Tortet L., Guinneton F., Monnereau O., Stanoi D., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Zhang T., Grigorescu C. Optimization of Cr8O21 targets for Pulsed Laser Deposition. Crystal Research And Technology, 40(12), 1124-1127, 2005.
Cristescu R., Axente E., Socol G., Moldovan A., Mihaiescu D., Stamatin I., Buruiana T., Jelinek M., Mihailescu I.N., Chrisey D.B. Matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation of azopolyurethane thin films. Laser Physics, 15(12), 1686-1690, 2005.
Popescu, M.; Sava, F.; Lörinczi, A.; Mihailescu, I.N.; Socol, G.; Axente, E.; Kaban, I.; Hoyer, W. Amorphous thin films based on paraffin doped chalcogenides, prepared by pulsed laser de position. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 6(1), 163-167, 2004.
Iliescu M., Nelea V., Werckmann J., Mihailescu I.N., Socol G., Bigi A., Bracci B. Electron microscopy studies of octa-calcium phosphate thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition. Thin Solid Films, 453-454, 157-161, 2004.
Socol G., Torricelli P., Bracci B., Iliescu M., Miroiu F., Bigi A., Werckmann J., Mihailescu I.N. Biocompatible nanocrystalline octacalcium phosphate thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition. Biomaterials, 25(13), 2539-2545, 2004.
Popescu M., Sava F., Lorinczi, A., Savastru R., Savastru D., Rǎdvan R., Mihǎilescu I.N., Socol G. Optical recording in sulfur-selenium layers. Journal Of Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials, 6(3), 883-886, 2004.
Cristescu R., Mihaiescu D., Socol G., Stamatin I., Mihailescu I.N., Chrisey D.B. Deposition of biopolymer thin films by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation. Applied Physics A: Materials Science And Processing, 79(4-6), 1023-1026, 2004.
György E., Toricelli P., Socol G., Iliescu M., Mayer I., Mihailescu I.N., Bigi A., Werckman J. Biocompatible Mn2+ doped carbonated hydroxyapatite thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Journal of biomedical materials research - Part A, 71(2), 353-358, 2004.
Ristoscu C., Dorcioman G., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Klini A., Fotakis C. Role of laser pulse duration and ambient nitrogen pressure in deposition of AlN thin films. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society For Optical Engineering, 5581, 356-362, 2004.
Stanoi D., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Axente E., Caiteanu D., Mihailescu I.N., Grigorescu C., Bastide B., Monnereau O., Tortet L., Zhang T. Pulsed laser deposition of chromium oxides thin films: Chemical stabilization by capping and doping. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society For Optical Engineering, 5581, 392-398, 2004.
Stankova N.E., Tonchev S.H., Gyorgy E., Socol G., Mihailescu I. Pulsed laser deposition of LiNbO3 thin films from Li-rich targets. Journal Of Optoelectronics And Advanced Materials, 6(4), 1345-1348, 2004.
Branescu M., Socol G., Pantelica D., Negoita F., Lifei F., Jaklovszky J., Moldovan A., Grigorescu S. New aspects in laser ablation process of the YBCO thin films. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society For Optical Engineering, 5581, 472-478, 2004.
Popescu M.L., Piticescu R.M., Petrescu S., Zdrentu L., Mihailescu I., Socol G., Lojkowski W. Biocompatibility of hydroxyl-apatite thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition. Reviews On Advanced Materials Science, 8(2), 164-169, 2004.
Stankova N.E., Tonchev S.H., Gyorgy E., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N. LiNbO3 thin films grown on MgO (100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society For Optical Engineering, 5581(63), 498-501, 2004.
Popescu M., Sava F., Loerinczi A., Mihailescu I. N., Socol G., Axente E., Kaban I., Hoyer W. Properties of thin films based on paraffin doped chalcogenides, prepared by pulse laser deposition. Chalcogenide Letters, 1(2), 17-21, 2004.
Cristescu, R., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Morjan I., Soare I., Popescu M., Sava F., Morosanu C.O., Stamatin I., Andrei A., Neamtu J. Pulsed Laser Deposition of Poly (methyl methacrylate) Thin Films: Experimental evidence by XRD, XPS, AFM, Optical Microscopy, Raman Spectroscopy and FTIR. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society For Optical Engineering, 5147, 87-94, 2003.
Stanoi D., Socol G., Ristoscu C., Mihailescu I.N., Bastide B., Monnereau O., Tortet L. Pulsed laser deposition of chromium oxides for applications in spintronics. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society For Optical Engineering, 5226, 352-356, 2003.
Cristescu R., Socol G., Mihailescu I.N., Popescu M., Sava F., Ion E., Morosanu C.O., Stamatin I. New results in pulsed laser deposition of poly-methyl-methacrylate thin films. Applied Surface Science, 208-209(1), 645-650, 2003.
Sava F., Cristescu R., Socol G., Radvan R., Savastru R., Savastru D. Structure of bulk and thin films of Poly-Methyl-Methacrylate (PMMA) polymer prepared by pulsed laser deposition. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 4 (4), 965-970, 2002.
Popescu M., Sava F., Georgescu S., Gheorghe L., I.N. Mihailescu, Cristescu R., Socol G., Bradaczek H. Thin films of langasite (La3Ga5SiO14) prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition. J.Optoelectron.Adv. Mater., 4(3), 813-818, 2002.